Backup and recovery

Creating backups using the provided script

ArchivesSpace provides some simple scripts for backing up a single instance to a .zip file. You can run:

 scripts/ --output /path/to/

and the script will generate a file containing:

  • A snapshot of the demo database (if you’re using the demo database)
  • A snapshot of the Solr index and related indexer files

If you are running against MySQL and have mysqldump installed, you can also provide the --mysqldump option. This will read the database settings from your configuration file and add a dump of your MySQL database to the resulting .zip file.

Managing your own backups

If you want more control over your backups, you can develop your own scripts. ArchivesSpace stores all persistent data in the database, so as long as you have backups of your database then you can always recover.

If you are running MySQL, the mysqldump utility can dump the database schema and data to a file. It’s a good idea to run this with the --single-transaction option to avoid locking your database tables while your backups run. It is also essential to use the --routines flag, which will include functions and stored procedures in the backup (which ArchivesSpace uses at least for Jasper reports).

If you are running with the demo database, you can create periodic database snapshots using the following configuration settings:

 # In this example, we create a snapshot at 4am each day and keep
 # 7 days' worth of backups
 # Database snapshots are written to 'data/demo_db_backups' by
 # default.
 AppConfig[:demo_db_backup_schedule] = "0 4 * * *"
 AppConfig[:demo_db_backup_number_to_keep] = 7

Solr indexes can always be recreated from the contents of the database, but backing them up can reduce your recovery time if disaster strikes. You can create periodic Solr snapshots using the following configuration settings:

 # Create one snapshot per hour and keep only one.
 # Solr snapshots are written to 'data/solr_backups' by default.
 AppConfig[:solr_backup_schedule] = "0 * * * *"
 AppConfig[:solr_backup_number_to_keep] = 1

Recovering from backup

When recovering an ArchivesSpace installation from backup, you will need to restore:

  • Your database (either the demo database or MySQL)
  • The search indexes and related indexer files

Of the two, the database backup is the most crucial–search indexes are worth restoring if you have backups, but they can be recreated from scratch if necessary.

Recovering your database

If you are using MySQL, recovering your database just requires loading your mysqldump backup into an empty database. If you are using the scripts/ script (described above), this dump file is named mysqldump.sql in your backup .zip file.

To load a MySQL dump file, follow the directions in Set up your MySQL database to create an empty database with the appropriate permissions. Then, populate the database from your backup file using the MySQL client:

mysql -uarchivesspace -p < mysqldump.sql

(change the username as required and enter your password when prompted).

If you are using the demo database, your backup .zip file will contain a directory called demo_db_backups. Each subdirectory of demo_db_backups contains a backup of the demo database. To restore from a backup, copy its archivesspace_demo_db directory back to your ArchivesSpace data directory. For example:

 cp -a /unpacked/zip/demo_db_backups/demo_db_backup_1373323208_25926/archivesspace_demo_db \

This step is optional since indexes can be rebuilt from the contents of the database. However, recovering your search indexes can reduce the time needed to get your system running again.

The backup .zip file contains two directories used by the ArchivesSpace indexer:

  • solr.backup-[timestamp]/snapshot.[timestamp] – a snapshot of the index files.
  • solr.backup-[timestamp]/indexer_state – the files used by the indexer to remember what it last indexed.

To restore these directories from backup:

  • Copy your index snapshot to /path/to/archivesspace/data/solr_index/index
  • Copy your indexer_state backup to /path/to/archivesspace/data/indexer_state

For example:

 mkdir -p /path/to/archivesspace/data/solr_index

 cp -a /unpacked/zip/solr.backup-26475-1373323208/snapshot.20130709084008464 \ 

 cp -a /unpacked/zip/solr.backup-26475-1373323208/indexer_state \ 

Checking your search indexes

ArchivesSpace ships with a script that can run Lucene’s CheckIndex tool for you, verifying that a given Solr index is free from corruption. To test an index, run the following command from your archivesspace directory:

 # Or scripts/checkindex.bat for Windows
 scripts/ data/solr_index/index

You can use the same script to check that your Solr backups are valid:

 scripts/ /unpacked/zip/solr.backup-26475-1373323208/snapshot.20130709084008464