Table of Contents (left)

  1. Before running:
  2. Running the tests:
  3. Using an already running instance of ArchivesSpace:
  4. Taking a screenshot of the interface if a test produces an error:
  5. Interacting with selenium on the command line:
  6. Interacting with selenium using pry

Selenium test suite

Before running:

Run the bootstrap build task to configure JRuby and all required dependencies:

 $ cd ..
 $ build/run bootstrap

Note: all example code assumes you are running from your ArchivesSpace project directory.

Running the tests:

Run the full suite:

 $ build/run selenium:test

The full suite can take a while to run. If you just want to run one group of tests, use the example property:

 $ build/run selenium:test -Dexample='ArchivesSpace user interface Repositories'

See spec/selenium_spec.rb to find the describe blocks that define groups of tests that can be run independently. As a rule, individual examples cannot be run in isolation because each group is a sequence of dependent steps.

Using an already running instance of ArchivesSpace:

By default the selenium task will start up its own instances of the backend and frontend. To use instances already running, set the following environment variables:

 $ export ASPACE_BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:xxxx
 $ export ASPACE_FRONTEND_URL=http://localhost:xxxx

Taking a screenshot of the interface if a test produces an error:

This can be helpful for debugging. To enable, set the following environment variable:


The screenshot will be saved to /tmp

Interacting with selenium on the command line:

To initialize the selenium environment for IRB:

 $ ./selenium/scripts/

When the initialization is complete, an instance of firefox will be running under selenium control, and you will be presented with an IRB prompt. Now you can say things like:

 > ('admin', 'admin')
 > $driver.find_element(:css, '.repository-container .btn').click
 > $driver.find_element(:link, "Create a Repository").click
 > $driver.clear_and_send_keys([:id, "repository_repo_code_"], 'REPO_1')
 > $driver.clear_and_send_keys([:id, "repository_description_"], 'First Repo')
 > $driver.find_element(:css => "form#new_repository input[type='submit']").click
 > logout
 > cleanup
 > quit

Be sure to cleanup before quitting as this will kill the frontend, backend and firefox

Interacting with selenium using pry

Add the following to ‘selenium/Gemfile.local’

 gem 'pry'


 bundle install


pry -r driver-pry.rb

Example: create a repo and login to it

> repo = create(:repo)
> $driver.('admin', 'admin', repo)