ArchivesSpace Plug-ins README

Plug-ins provide a mechanism to customize ArchivesSpace by overriding or extending functions without changing the core codebase. As they are self-contained, they also permit the ready sharing of packages of customization between ArchivesSpace instances.

** Enabling plugins

Plug-ins are enabled by placing them in the plugins directory, and referencing them in the ArchivesSpace configuration, common/config/config.rb. For example:

AppConfig[:plugins] = ['local', 'hello_world', 'my_plugin']

This configuration assumes the following directories exist:


Note that the order that the plug-ins are listed in the :plugins configuration option determines the order in which they are loaded by the application.

** Plugin structure

The directory structure within a plug-in is similar to the structure of the core application. The following shows the supported plug-in structure. Files contained in these directories can be used to override or extend the behavior of the core application.

  controllers ......... backend endpoints
  model ............... database mapping models
  plugin_init.rb ...... if present, loaded when the backend first starts
  assets .............. static assets (such as images, javascript) in the staff interface
  controllers ......... controllers for the staff interface
  locales ............. locale translations for the staff interface
  views ............... templates for the staff interface
  plugin_init.rb ...... if present, loaded when the staff interface first starts
  assets .............. static assets (such as images, javascript) in the public interface
  controllers ......... controllers for the public interface
  locales ............. locale translations for the public interface
  views ............... templates for the public interface
  plugin_init.rb ...... if present, loaded when the public interface first starts
migrations ............ database migrations
schemas ............... JSONModel schema definitions
search_definitions.rb . Advanced search fields

** Overriding locales

It is not necessary for a plug-in to have all of these directories. For example, to override some part of a locale file for the staff interface, you can just add the following structure to the local plug-in:


This is a general rule. That is, to override behavior, rather then extend it, match the path to the file that contains the behavior to be overridden.

** Adding your own branding

Another example, to override the branding of the staff interface, add your own template at:


Files such as images, stylesheets and PDFs can be made available as static resources by placing them in an assets directory under an enabled plug-in. For example, the following file:


Will be available via the following URL:


For example, to reference this logo from the custom branding file, use markup such as:

 <div class="container branding">
   <img src="<%= #{AppConfig[:frontend_prefix]} %>assets/my_logo.png"/>

** Plugin configuration

Plug-ins can optionally contain a configuration file at plugins/[plugin-name]/config.yml. This configuration file supports the following options:

  The name of a controller that will be accessible via a Plug-ins menu in the System toolbar
  The name of a controller that will be accessible via a Plug-ins menu in the Repository toolbar

system_menu_controller and repository_menu_controller specify the names of frontend controllers that will be accessible via the system and repository toolbars respectively. A Plug-ins dropdown will appear in the toolbars if any enabled plug-ins have declared these configuration options. The controller name follows the standard naming conventions, for example:

repository_menu_controller: hello_world

Points to a controller file at plugins/hello_world/frontend/controllers/hello_world_controller.rb which implements a controller class called HelloWorldController. When the menu item is selected by the user, the index action is called on the controller.

Note that the URLs for plug-in controllers are scoped under plugins, so the URL for the above example is:


Also note that the translation for the plug-in’s name in the Plug-ins dropdown menu is specified in a locale file in the frontend/locales directory in the plug-in. For example, in the hello_world example there is an English locale file at:


The translation for the plug-in name in the Plug-ins dropdown menus is specified by the key label under the plug-in, like this:

      label: Hello World

Note that the example locale file contains other keys that specify translations for text displayed as part of the plug-in’s user interface. Be sure to place your plug-in’s translations as shown, under plugins.[your_plugin_name] in order to avoid accidentally overriding translations for other interface elements. In the example above, the translation for the label key can be referenced directly in an erb view file as follows:

<%= I18n.t("plugins.hello_world.label") %>

Each entry under parents specifies a record type that this plug-in provides a new subrecord for. [record-type] is the name of the existing record type, for example accession. name is the name of the plug-in in its role as a subrecord of this parent, for example hello_worlds. cardinality specifies the cardinality of the plug-in records. Currently supported values are zero-to-many and zero-to-one.

** Changing search behavior

A plugin can add additional fields to the advanced search interface by including a search_definitions.rb file at the top-level of the plugin directory. This file can contain definitions such as the following:

AdvancedSearch.define_field(:name => 'payment_fund_code', :type => :enum, :visibility => [:staff], :solr_field => 'payment_fund_code_u_utext')
AdvancedSearch.define_field(:name => 'payment_authorizers', :type => :text, :visibility => [:staff], :solr_field => 'payment_authorizers_u_utext')

Each field defined will appear in the advanced search interface as a searchable field. The :visibility option controls whether the field is presented in the staff or public interface (or both), while the :type parameter determines what sort of search is being performed. Valid values are :text:, :boolean, :date and :enum. Finally, the :solr_field parameter controls which field is used from the underlying index.

** Further information

Please refer to the hello_world exemplar plug-in to find out more about how to implement a plug-in. Be sure to test your plug-in thoroughly as it may have unanticipated impacts on your ArchivesSpace application. Plug-ins are a powerful feature, designed to allow you to change most aspects of how the application behaves.