ArchivesSpace Build System

Running the build system

To run the build system, use the build/run script from your ArchivesSpace project directory. This will display a list of all available build tasks. This document describes a few of the important ones.


The bootstrap task:

 build/run bootstrap

Will bootstrap your development environment by downloading all dependencies–JRuby, Gems, Solr, etc..

Running a development environment

To run a development instance of all ArchivesSpace components:

 build/run backend:devserver
 build/run frontend:devserver
 build/run public:devserver
 build/run indexer

These should be run in different terminal sessions and do not need to be run in a specific order or are all required. You can also clear your database and search indexes with:

 build/run db:nuke

Running the tests

ArchivesSpace uses a combination of RSpec, integration and Selenium tests. You will need to have Firefox on your path. Then, to run all tests:

 build/run test

See also: selenium/ for more information on the Selenium tests.

It’s also useful to be able to run the backend unit tests separately. To do this, run:

 build/run backend:test

You can also run a single spec file with:

 build/run backend:test -Dspec="myfile_spec.rb"

or a single example with:

 build/run backend:test -Dexample="does something important"

Coverage reports

You can run the coverage reports using:

 build/run coverage

This runs all of the above tests in coverage mode and, when the run finishes, produces a set of HTML reports within the coverage directory in your ArchivesSpace project directory.

Building a distribution

To build an ArchivesSpace release, use the build_release script from your project directory:


Generating API documentation

To generate documentation for backend endpoints:

build/run doc:yard

The generated HTML will be placed in the doc directory in your archivesspace root.