ArchivesSpace Architecture overview

The ArchivesSpace API

ArchivesSpace is divided into several components: the backend, which exposes the major workflows and data types of the system via a REST API, a staff interface, a public interface, and a search system, consisting of Solr and an indexer application.

These components interact by exchanging JSON data. The format of this data is defined by a class called JSONModel.

JSONModel – a validated ArchivesSpace record

The ArchivesSpace system is concerned with managing a number of different archival record types. Each record can be expressed as a set of nested key/value pairs, and associated with each record type is a number of rules that describe what it means for a record of that type to be valid:

The JSONModel class provides a common language for expressing these rules that all parts of the application can share. There is a JSONModel class instance for each type of record in the system, so:


is a class that knows how to take a hash of properties and make sure those properties conform to the specification of a Digital Object:


If it passes validation, a new JSONModel(:digital_object) instance is returned, which provides accessors for accessing its values, and facilities for round-tripping between JSON documents and regular Ruby hashes:

 obj = JSONModel(:digital_object).from_hash(myhash)

 obj.title  # or obj['title']
 obj.title = 'a new title'  # or obj['title'] = 'a new title'

 obj._exceptions  # Validates the object and reports any issues

 obj.to_hash  # Turn the JSONModel object back into a regular hash
 obj.to_json  # Serialize the JSONModel object into JSON

Much of the validation performed by JSONModel is provided by the JSON schema definitions listed in the common/schemas directory. JSON schemas provide a standard way of declaring which properties a record may and may not contain, along with their types and other restrictions. ArchivesSpace uses these schemas to capture the validation rules defining each record type in a declarative and relatively self-documenting fashion.

JSONModel instances are the primary data interchange mechanism for the ArchivesSpace system: the API consumes and produces JSONModel instances (in JSON format), and much of the user interface’s life is spent turning forms into JSONModel instances and shipping them off to the backend.

Working with the ArchivesSpace API


Most actions against the backend require you to be logged in as a user with the appropriate permissions. By sending a request like:

 POST /users/admin/login?password=

your authentication request will be validated, and a session token will be returned in the JSON response for your request. To remain authenticated, provide this token with subsequent requests in the X-ArchivesSpace-Session header. For example:

 X-ArchivesSpace-Session: 8e921ac9bbe9a4a947eee8a7c5fa8b4c81c51729935860c1adfed60a5e4202cb


The ArchivesSpace API provides CRUD-style interactions for a number of different “top-level” record types. Working with records follows a fairly standard pattern:

 # Get a paginated list of accessions from repository '123'
 GET /repositories/123/accessions?page=1

 # Create a new accession, returning the ID of the new record
 POST /repositories/123/accessions
 {... a JSON document satisfying JSONModel(:accession) here ...}

 # Get a single accession (returned as a JSONModel(:accession) instance) using the ID returned by the previous request
 GET /repositories/123/accessions/456

 # Update an existing accession
 POST /repositories/123/accessions/456
 {... a JSON document satisfying JSONModel(:accession) here ...}

JSONModel::Client – A high-level API for interacting with the ArchivesSpace backend

To save the need for a lot of HTTP request wrangling, ArchivesSpace ships with a module called JSONModel::Client that simplifies the common CRUD-style operations. Including this module just requires passing an additional parameter when initialising JSONModel:

 JSONModel::init(:client_mode => true, :url => @backend_url)
 include JSONModel

If you’ll be working against a single repository, it’s convenient to set it as the default for subsequent actions:


Then, several additional JSONModel methods are available:

 # As before, get a paginated list of accessions (GET)
 JSONModel(:accession).all(:page => 1)

 # Create a new accession (POST)
 obj = JSONModel(:accession).from_hash(:title => "A new accession", ...)

 # Get a single accession by ID (GET)
 obj = JSONModel(:accession).find(123)

 # Update an existing accession (POST)
 obj = JSONModel(:accession).find(123)
 obj.title = "Updated title"

The ArchivesSpace backend

The backend is responsible for implementing the ArchivesSpace API, and supports the sort of access patterns shown in the previous section. We’ve seen that the backend must support CRUD operations against a number of different record types, and those records as expressed as JSON documents produced from instances of JSONModel classes.

The following sections describe how the backend fits together.

main.rb – load and initialize the system

The main.rb program is responsible for starting the ArchivesSpace system: loading all controllers and models, creating users/groups/permissions as needed, and preparing the system to handle requests.

When the system starts up, the main.rb program performs the following actions:

In addition to handling the system startup, main.rb also provides the following facilities:

rest.rb – Request and response handling for REST endpoints

The rest.rb module provides the mechanism used to define the API’s REST endpoints. Each endpoint definition includes:

Each controller in the system consists of one or more of these endpoint definitions. By using the endpoint syntax provided by rest.rb, the controllers can declare the interface they provide, and are freed of having to perform the sort of boilerplate associated with request handling–check parameter types, coerce values from strings into other types, and so on.

The main.rb and rest.rb components work together to insulate the controllers from much of the complexity of request handling. By the time a request reaches the body of an endpoint:


As touched upon in the previous section, controllers implement the functionality of the ArchivesSpace API by registering one or more endpoints. Each endpoint accepts a HTTP request for a given URI, carries out the request and returns a JSON response (if successful) or throws an exception (if something goes wrong).

Each controller lives in its own file, and these can be found in the backend/app/controllers directory. Since most of the request handling logic is captured by the rest.rb module, controllers generally don’t do much more than coordinate the classes from the model layer and send a response back to the client.

crud_helpers.rb – capturing common CRUD controller actions

Even though controllers are quite thin, there’s still a lot of overlap in their behaviour. Each record type in the system supports the same set of CRUD operations, and from the controller’s point of view there’s not much difference between an update request for an accession and an update request for a digital object (for example).

The crud_helpers.rb module pulls this commonality into a set of helper methods that are invoked by each controller, providing methods for the standard operations of the system.


The backend’s model layer is where the action is. The model layer’s role is to bridge the gap between the high-level JSONModel objects (complete with their properties, nested records, references to other records, etc.) and the underlying relational database (via the Sequel database toolkit). As such, the model layer is mainly concerned with mapping JSONModel instances to database tables in a way that preserves everything and allows them to be queried efficiently.

Each record type has a corresponding model class, but the individual model definitions are often quite sparse. This is because the different record types differ in the following ways:

The first of these–the set of allowable properties–is already captured by the JSONModel schema definitions, so the model layer doesn’t have to enforce these restrictions. Each model can simply take the values supplied by the JSONModel object it is passed and assume that everything that needs to be there is there, and that validation has already happened.

The remaining two aspects are enforced by the model layer, but generally don’t pertain to just a single record type. For example, an accession may be linked to zero or more subjects, but so can several other record types, so it doesn’t make sense for the Accession model to contain the logic for handling subjects.

In practice we tend to see very little functionality that belongs exclusively to a single record type, and as a result there’s not much to put in each corresponding model. Instead, models are generally constructed by combining a number of mix-ins (Ruby modules) to satisfy the requirements of the given record type. Features à la carte!

ASModel and other mix-ins

At a minimum, every model includes the ASModel mix-in, which provides base versions of the following methods:

These methods comprise the primary interface of the model layer: virtually every mix-in in the model layer overrides one or all of these to add behaviour in a modular way.

For example, the ‘notes’ mix-in adds support for multiple notes to be added to a record type–by mixing this module into a model class, that class will automatically accept a JSONModel property called ‘notes’ that will be stored and retrieved to and from the database as needed. This works by overriding the three methods as follows:

All of the mix-ins follow this pattern: call ‘super’ to delegate the call to the next mix-in in the chain (eventually reaching ASModel), then manipulate the result to implement the desired behaviour.

Nested records

Some record types, like accessions, digital objects, and subjects, are top-level records, in the sense that they are created independently of any other record and are addressable via their own URI. However, there are a number of records that can’t exist in isolation, and only exist in the context of another record. When one record can contain instances of another record, we call them nested records.

To give an example, the date record type is nested within an accession record (among others). When the model layer is asked to save a JSONModel instance containing nested records, it must pluck out those records, save them in the appropriate database table, and ensure that linkages are created within the database to allow them to be retrieved later.

This happens often enough that it would be tedious to write code for each model to handle its nested records, so the ASModel mix-in provides a declaration to handle this automatically. For example, the accession model uses a definition like:

 base.def_nested_record(:the_property => :dates,
                        :contains_records_of_type => :date,
                        :corresponding_to_association  => :date)

When creating an accession, this declaration instructs the Accession model to create a database record for each date listed in the “dates” property of the incoming record. Each of these date records will be automatically linked to the created accession.


A relationship is a link between two top-level records, where the link is a separate, dynamically generated, model with zero or more properties of its own.

For example, the Event model can be related to several different types of records:

 define_relationship(:name => :event_link,
                     :json_property => 'linked_records',
                     :contains_references_to_types => proc {[Accession, Resource, ArchivalObject]})

This declaration generates a custom class that models the relationship between events and the other record types. The corresponding JSON schema declaration for the linked_records property looks like this:

  "linked_records" => {
    "type" => "array",
    "ifmissing" => "error",
    "minItems" => 1,
    "items" => {
      "type" => "object",
      "subtype" => "ref",
      "properties" => {
        "role" => {
          "type" => "string",
          "dynamic_enum" => "linked_event_archival_record_roles",
          "ifmissing" => "error",
        "ref" => {
          "type" => [{"type" => "JSONModel(:accession) uri"},
                     {"type" => "JSONModel(:resource) uri"},
                     {"type" => "JSONModel(:archival_object) uri"},
          "ifmissing" => "error"

That is, the property includes URI references to other records, plus an additional “role” property to indicate the nature of the relationship. The corresponding JSON might then be:

linked_records: [{ref: '/repositories/123/accessions/456', role: 'authorizer'}, ...]

The define_relationship definition automatically makes use of the appropriate join tables in the database to store this relationship and retrieve it later as needed.

Agents and agent_manager.rb

Agents present a bit of a representational challenge. There are four types of agents (person, family, corporate entity, software), and at a high-level they are structured in the same way: each type can contain one or more name records, zero or more contact records, and a number of properties. Records that link to agents (via a relationship, for example) can link to any of the four types so, in some sense, each agent type implements a common Agent interface.

However, the agent types differ in their details. Agents contain name records, but the types of those name records correspond to the type of the agent: a person agent contains a person name record, for example. So, in spite of their similarities, the different agents need to be modelled as separate record types.

The agent_manager module captures the high-level similarities between agents. Each agent model includes the agent manager mix-in:

 include AgentManager::Mixin

and then defines itself declaratively by the provided class method:

 register_agent_type(:jsonmodel => :agent_person,
                     :name_type => :name_person,
                     :name_model => NamePerson)

This definition sets up the properties of that agent. It creates:


As records are added to and updated within the ArchivesSpace system, they are validated against a number of rules to make sure they are well-formed and don’t conflict with other records. There are two types of record validation:

Record-level validations can be performed in isolation, while system-level records require comparing the record to others in the database.

System-level validations need to be implemented in the database itself (as integrity constraints), but record-level validations are often too complex to be expressed this way. As a result, validations in ArchivesSpace can appear in one or both of the following layers:

As a general rule, record-level validations are handled by the JSONModel validations (either through the JSON schema or custom validations), while system-level validations are handled by the model and the database schema.

Optimistic concurrency control

Updating a record using the ArchivesSpace API is a two part process:

 # Perform a `GET` against the desired record to fetch its JSON
 # representation:

   GET /repositories/5/accessions/2

 # Manipulate the JSON representation as required, and then `POST`
 # it back to replace the original:

   POST /repositories/5/accessions/2

If two people do this simultaneously, there’s a risk that one person would silently overwrite the changes made by the other. To prevent this, every record is marked with a version number that it carries in the lock_version property. When the system receives the updated copy of a record, it checks that the version it carries is still current; if the version number doesn’t match the one stored in the database, the update request is rejected and the user must re-fetch the latest version before applying their update.

The ArchivesSpace permissions model

The ArchivesSpace backend enforces access control, defining which users are allowed to create, read, update, suppress and delete the records in the system. The major actors in the permissions model are:

To summarize, a user can perform an action within a repository if they are a member of a group that has been assigned permission to perform that action.

Conceptual trickery

Since they’re repository-scoped, groups govern access to repositories. However, there are several record types that exist at the top-level of the system (such as the repositories themselves, subjects and agents), and the permissions model must be able to accommodate these.

To get around this, we invent a concept: the “global” repository conceptually contains the whole ArchivesSpace universe. As with other repositories, the global repository contains groups, and users can be made members of these groups to grant them permissions across the entire system. One example of this is the “admin” user, which is granted all permissions by the “administrators” group of the global repository; another is the “search indexer” user, which can read (but not update or delete) any record in the system.

Search indexing

The ArchivesSpace system uses Solr for its full-text search. As records are added/updated/deleted by the backend, the corresponding changes are made to the Solr index to keep them (roughly) synchronized.

Keeping the backend and Solr in sync is the job of the “indexer”, a separate process that runs in the background and watches for record updates. The indexer operates in two modes simultaneously:

The two modes of operation overlap somewhat, but they serve different purposes. The periodic mode ensures that records are never missed due to transient failures, and will bring the indexes up to date even if the indexer hasn’t run for quite some time–even creating them from scratch if necessary. This mode is also used for indexing updates made by bulk import processes and other updates that don’t need to be reflected in the indexes immediately.

The real-time indexer mode attempts to apply updates to the index much more quickly. Rather than polling, it performs a GET request against the /update-feed endpoint of the backend. This endpoint returns any records that were updated since the last time it was asked and, most importantly, it leaves the request hanging if no records have changed.

By calling this endpoint in a loop, the real-time indexer spends most of its time sitting around waiting for something to happen. The moment a record is updated, the already-pending request to the /update-feed endpoint yields the updated record, which is sent to Solr and indexed immediately. This avoids the delays associated with polling and keeps indexing latency low where it matters. For example, newly created records should appear in the browse list by the time a user views it.